
Mar 8, 20212 min

Happy International Women's Day

Happy Monday, dear reader. In Western Pennsylvania, the sun is shining, the sky is almost cloud-free, and the temperature will rise to a whopping 55 degrees. It is indeed a good day. Today is also International Women's Day. It is a day to celebrate all the amazing things women are accomplishing around the world. As I sit and watch the news, there are stories reported of women who have achieved great things; the Pulitizer Prize, Grammy Awards, achievement awards for making significant changes in their countries, cities, or communities. However, I would like to focus upon the unsung achievements women I know accomplish every day.

To the women out there who wake up, act as a full-time teacher, caregiver, chef, maintenance crew, live entertainer, activities director, nurse, pet caretaker, chauffeur, HR department, have made partner, laundress, AND work full time, kudos to you. You may not get credit for it; you may not have a shiny award, there will be no televised award ceremony, but please allow me to tell you, you rock. You are an ambassador for all women, whether you receive recognition or not. The work you do will so selflessly each day will resound throughout the world for generations to come.

To the young girls out there that are changing the world, one act of kindness, one A+, one friend, one idea at a time, you are making a difference in this world whether it is your intent or you receive recognition. You are daily reminders of all the good in the world, all the potential for humankind, all the brightness the future holds. Keep up the good work, and know your rewards are far greater than any shiny trophy or televised ceremony. We can't wait to see what greatness you will achieve.

To the young women who wake up every day and are killing it by going to class, studying hard, working extra shifts, chasing a dream, being a good friend, daughter, sister, aunt to the younger generation, who choose to lead by example, and use their voice for good and change please know we support you. You may not win a Pulitzer Prize (yet), but you make this world a better place.

To all the great women who have reared their children, worked their hours, supported their families, provided a loving home, achieved their goals; we celebrate you. You continue to influence us, to make us strive to be better, to educate us, to make us see our worth. You have cut a path for us and where you lead is yet to be seen but know we are better for you and all you have done. We appreciate you.

As women, we should celebrate each other and our accomplishments no matter the size on a daily basis. We play an extraordinary role in the world around us. We influence those in our circle. We send a ripple effect throughout our universe. Let us be sure the ripple we send out there is one of acceptance, encouragement, support, understanding, and love. No matter what your role, know you are recognized and appreciated for all you do an this Interenational Day of Women and every day.

As always dear reader, stay safe, stay smart, celebrate the great women in your circle, and wash your hands.
