Yesterday was The Bean’s second day working outside our little family business. Late in the market season last year, she was offered an opportunity to work for The Ligonier Country Market as an ambassador. Her duties will include speaking with the press, appearing in the Fort Days parade, and helping with the children’s garden at the market. It is a good experience for her, and she has an opportunity to grow and discover her strengths. Yesterday was the second Sunday we went to Ligonier for her to help and prep for the upcoming market season.
I love watching her grow and seeing her perspective on the world around her. She has decided she loves her new job, her boss, and her co-workers. Part of prepping for the upcoming season is dividing the weeks between the three girls who are The Market Sprout representatives, assigning crafts for the girls to facilitate with the kids who attend the market and packing everything into a crate for that week. The girls have to gather the needed materials, organize the materials, understand the instructions for the craft, and make sure there are examples for the kids at the market to see. Jordan is in charge of rock painting during week #3 of the market.
Jordan is very good at organizing when she wants to be. Her room, our home, and her book bag do not reflect this quality, but it is there. She carried around her checklist, gathered her materials, organized her bin for week #3, and then painted rocks as examples for the kids to see. She painted five rocks to look like a turtle. I was impressed with her painting skills. Jordan’s turtle looked just like the picture she had to use as an example. While doing this, she worked with her “co-workers,” Katie and Addie.
Katie is eighteen and preparing to go to a school of dance near New York City. Katie is an amazing young woman with a very bright future. She is exactly the kind of young woman I want my bean to spend time with and soak up all that positivity. Addie is a year older than Jordan, and they have much in common. There was a lot of talk about TikTok, Stranger Things, and school. The girls worked together to plan their activities and help each other. It was a very good day for the Market Sprouts crew.
As a mom, I tried to disappear into the background. Cari, the director of the market, asked me to help organize the Market Sprout supplies in the garage area. This allowed me to give Jordan some space and help out at my favorite farmer’s market. It also gave me an opportunity to get to know Cari and discover that we share very similar backgrounds. I always appreciate a fellow former English teacher.
Once again, I am amazed at the path life takes the people who cross my path, and the opportunities that arise seemingly out of nowhere. Yesterday just reinforced how much I appreciate and love The Ligonier Country Market. It was a good day for both The Bean and me. On this chilly Monday morning, stay safe, be smart, appreciate the opportunities, and keep washing your hands.