Big things are happening in the soap studio. I love this time of year but this year has a push with which I am not quite comfortable. The Bibbed Wonder and I have been diligently working in the soap studio for the past two weeks and looking ahead, we will be working diligently for the next two or three. Fall is the time of year when I feel I do some of my best work. I adore the fall season and everything that goes along with it. From back to school, to pumpkin patches, festivals, Halloween, hayrides, and falling leaves, I love it all. Fall inspires me with it’s feeling, it’s scent, and the celebration of color nature so generously displays. Fall also means preparing for winter and the holiday season which I too enjoy. However, this year is all mashed together and the languid creative process I look forward to has become a mad rush to get things accomplished.
You see, once market season is over normally in late September, this year early October, I have a brief respite from soap making where I can plan for winter and the holidays. My big holiday market is The Ligonier Christmas market that normally takes place the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Because of Covid-19, we are unable to host the market indoors on its usual date. The market committee decided to hold the Christmas market on October 17th at the normal outdoor market site. I am grateful for the opportunity and the accommodations.
I however, don’t get to experience my usual creative process of planning, creating, recharging and again planning and creating. I feel rushed to get things completed and I am uncomfortable with feeling rushed. The Bibbed Wonder, he loves to rush. He actually gets a rush from the rush. I on the other hand, feel cantankerous and out of my comfort zone. I am also a procrastinator when I feel overwhelmed and this creates conflict between myself and my bibbed wearing buddy. We definitely balance each other when it comes to our shortcomings. However, it doesn’t make me feel anymore confident or comfortable.
My fear with rushing is that my ideas don’t have time to fully develop and I don’t have time to create a foolproof plan to execute my ideas. If I don’t have time to plan and prepare, I fear I will have subpar products. If I have subpar products, I fear I will disappoint my soap family. Fall and Winter are when I feel I do my best work and I am at my most creative. I feel like my process in interrupted and that makes me very uncomfortable. As with everything this year, we will learn to adapt, change, and adjust. I promise I will give you my very best and work diligently to provide unique, high quality, and beautiful products. I just may be a little cranky while I am doing it…insert wink.
Dear reader, please continue to stay safe, stay smart, deal with the interruptions to the best of your ability, and keep washing those hands.