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  • Writer's pictureTina

Happy Father's Day and Welcome Summer!

It is hard to believe that June is more than half over. This Sunday, we celebrate Father's Day and the Summer Solstice. But, did anyone else notice that it still looked like dusk at ten o'clock last night? As I get older, I notice the passing of the seasons more acutely, and I am also more aware of the wonders of nature. My bean helps raise my awareness of all the small miracles nature provides if we take the time to stop and appreciate them. So this weekend will be a celebratory weekend indeed.

The Bean and I have cooked up a plan to surprise one bib overall wearing wonder dad with a bounty of simple pleasures he enjoys. There will be all his favorite foods, a surprise activity that is exclusively for The Bean and her dad, as well as a welcome break from his daily chores. To honor the Summer Solstice, we will also include a bonfire, make foods that are round like the sun, and incorporate a little heat for good measure. Bedtime will be extended so we can thoroughly enjoy the longest day of the year. I am trying to impress on my bean that it is not about things or monetary value; it is about quality, effort, and care to create something special for those we love. Although, I don't think The Bibbed Wonder would complain if a hay rake with a big bow on it showed up unexpectedly. However, I believe without a colossal gift, The Bibbed Wonder will still know how much he is loved and appreciated for all he does.

I hope, dear reader, you too can enjoy the simple pleasures life has to offer this weekend. Enjoy the extended sunlight, marvel at the small miracles, and enjoy the company of those you love. Whether you are a patriarch of a big family, the center of one person's universe, or an adored father figure to those with four legs, I wish you a happy, happy day. Please know you make a difference in this world, and it is appreciated.

As always, stay safe, be smart, enjoy the weekend, and keep washing your hands. FYI, we are running a 25% off sale sitewide, excluding the Tuesday Spotlight. Enjoy the savings.

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