As I sit looking out our living room windows, I am amazed by the beauty a winter storm can create. The trees are encrusted in ice; even the fence wires have a sparkling glaze encasing them. It really does look like a fairy tale world. School was canceled today, and we all slept in an extra hour or so. Even our barnyard family stayed nestled in where it is warm and dry. Not even Romeo, our annoying rooster that crows constantly, awoke with the first peek of sunrise.
The Bean anxiously awaited notification that school would be closed today. Each time the phone rang last night, she went running, yelling, “Yes, yes, yes! Here it comes!” Much to her annoyance, we did not receive notification until almost eight o’clock last night. If school was not canceled, she had enough time to get all of her homework done for Friday. By the way, this made her walk around acting as though someone had peed in her Wheaties. Sigh, I was not the cool mom last night. However, it is nice to know all her work is done, and we can just enjoy the weekend with no panic attacks on Sunday night, at seven o’clock right before bed.
Watching her excitement and anticipation over a canceled school day was catching. I have never lost my thrill over a disrupted schedule. As a student, I remember feeling the same way. The difference is we had to listen to the local radio station the morning of to find out if we had the day off. As a teacher, I continued to enjoy the disruption of the regular schedule. Although I must admit, I enjoyed two-hour delays more than a snow day. With two-hour delays, the district gets credit for the hours, and we only saw each class for fifteen minutes or so. The excitement of a disrupted schedule was palpable. As a parent, I continue to enjoy the excitement of a disrupted schedule. The Bean can create a celebration from any situation. I must also admit, I love having her around.
She reminds me to celebrate the smallest joys life offers. Be it a snow day, a good grade, tackling a small problem, or taking a perfect picture, she reminds me that the smallest things make life beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing her reaction when she finally awakens and sees our world encased in ice. I am sure there will be much ooohing and aaaaaaahing to look at this or that. She continues to teach me worthwhile lessons about life, love, patience, forgiveness, and beauty. Often, our lessons are taught by the most unexpected teachers. She reminds me never to stop learning.
On this frigid, icy day, remember, dear reader, to stay safe, be smart, never stop learning, and keep washing your hands.