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Our Not So Relaxing, Relaxing Weekend

Writer's picture: TinaTina

This weekend was the first weekend in twenty-one weeks we did not have a business-related commitment on a Saturday morning. We were supposed to be set up in Punxsutawney at an event for our friends from Buds to Blooms. However, they canceled due to inclement weather. Although we were disappointed for our friends, Andy and Morgan, we were also not so secretly thrilled to have our first weekend off. We actually slept in until 7:00 a.m. on Saturday! It was delightfully satisfying.

However, a relaxing weekend it was not. Friday night was the homecoming game for The Bean's high school. We were out way past our bedtime to chauffer children to and from homecoming festivities. Saturday, we spent the day gingerly tiptoeing around The Bean as she spent six hours getting ready for the homecoming dance. One could not use the upstairs bathroom, any styling utensils, or run water while preparations were ongoing. I made the mistake of flushing the downstairs toilet while The Bean was showering, and I was met on the staircase with a towel-wrapped goblin giving me the stink eye. Apparently, I failed to receive the memo that all bodily functions were to be put on hold while she prepared for the dance. Sigh.

Other than that, the dance preparations went smoothly. My girl looked absolutely stunning in her dress. Janet Walker ensured the dress fit just right, and the extra time and alterations were perfect. By all accounts, the dance was a success, and The Bean and her friends had a great time. Once again, we were out way past our usual bedtime, picking up children and pizza, listening to details from the night, and enjoying our girl and her friends. Oh, to be young again. The simple thrill of an evening out with friends, dressing up and being able to eat whatever you want. It was good to watch my girl make memories.

Sunday, The Bean and her friend saw the Taylor Swift movie. She was thrilled to be invited and had fun with a fellow Swifty. We did not get home until almost ten o'clock last night. That is out of character and late for us, especially on a school night. However, all the running around and late hours were worth my favorite kid's smile and good mood. This morning, the good mood did not prevail. The busy weekend filled with late nights and activity has finally caught up with her. She spent extra time on the couch with me this morning and had to be coaxed into readying for school. I believe a long nap is on the schedule for after school.

Our week is filled with appointments, soaping activities, and a full schedule in the soap studio. Today feels every bit like a Monday. We are a little slower moving, are lingering over our coffee mugs just a bit more, and I feel reluctant to go for my usual mile walk with my canine BFF. However, as the saying goes, there is no rest for the wicked. Progress must be made. Buster is a demanding physical trainer and will not be blown off. The Bean's week will now include returning to evening taekwondo classes. We must be very, very wicked indeed.

On this overcast fall day, stay safe, be smart, enjoy the brief moments of peace and tranquility, attack the week like it stole your Ho-Ho's, and keep washing your hands.

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Oct 16, 2023

The girls look beautiful and happy, so glad they are enjoying these fun times.


Oct 16, 2023

The girls look beautiful and happy to hear it was a fun weekend for them. Believe will look back on these days and miss them!!


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