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  • Writer's pictureTina

She Makes Me Proud and Laugh Out Loud Too

My Bean is learning to maneuver the ins and outs of seventh-grade public school and adolescent life. While still not thrilled with all the goings-on of her peers and the establishment, she is fairing well for the most part. I’m not sure why I was so concerned for her and her well-being. My kid has proven she can hold her own, and I am so proud of her for the choices she makes. From her first breath, this girl has demonstrated that she is made of titanium and can handle anything the world throws at her.

The Bean has an admirer. I understand why he admires her; I am smitten with her too. However, this little boy and his crush on my Bean are absolutely adorable. What I love even more is that she shares with us blow-by-blow detail of her day and all its happenings. This young man actually writes old-fashioned notes and leaves them on The Bean’s desk. I have been privy to all of them. However, the one that will forever remain in my mind is the one he gave her yesterday. His notes are never long, but they are sweet. He will write small things like, “Cheer up, you look cute today.” Or “I like you like you. Will you sit with me at lunch?”

Yesterday’s note was cuteness overload. There was no introduction; at the top of the page, he simply wrote, “5 Things I Like About You,” and then he created a numbered list which are as follows: 1. Your kind 2. Your Smart 3. Your a farmer 4. Your beautiful 5. Your dad knows my dad somehow. Are you “Awwing” too? Although The Bean pointed out he used the wrong “your,” she’s a bit of a stickler when it comes to proper grammar. I have no idea where she gets that trait…insert wink. I think she was thrilled with the compliments; she couldn’t stop smiling.

However, she has declared this is only a friendship and shall remain so. I know my girl, and she knows her mind. What struck me about this young man’s list is that he listed she’s kind first. Kindness is the first thing that stands out about her. That makes her mama very proud. He also listed she is smart and a farmer before he listed she is beautiful. In my book, this kid is more than okay. I’m thrilled he sees what kind of person she is over just her appearance. I’m pleased she is not into boys or having a boyfriend just yet, but I’m secretly okay if she reciprocates the “like you like you” feelings for this young man.

On the other end of the spectrum is a young man with whom she has swimming class. I have heard nothing but complaints about this kid from day one. This boy has started “jumping on people in the pool,” mostly the girls, from what I understand. He is rough, he is rude, and he says “inappropriate things.” This character is sly enough to wait until the teacher goes into his office and then strikes. The Bean has had enough of his nonsense and shenanigans. She came home from school irritated and annoyed because this boy had thrown a ball and smacked a girl in the head with it. He then jumped on her back and said, “something inappropriate.”

When she finished lamenting about his devious actions, she asked me what I would do if she got suspended? I was a bit taken aback, and I asked if she intended to get suspended? If so, what she planned to do to earn such a punishment? She informed me, “If “R” does that again, I am going to kick him square in the balls and drop him! You know if I kick him in the balls, I’m going to get suspended for three days? I asked. Will you be mad at me if I get suspended?” I made it clear I did not advocate her getting suspended for any reason, but if this kid is inappropriate, she has my blessing to “kick him square in the balls,” indeed. The Bibbed Wonder backs me up on this as well.

Lastly, a group of eighth-grade boys stared at her when she walked to the garbage can at lunch. My Bean has no idea that they are staring at her because they think she is cute. No, my kid sees this as an annoying challenge. She came home from school angrier than a little hornet that these boys had stared at her. When I informed her that is their way of communicating, they think she is cute, she responded in disgust and said that makes it even worse. She then told me that she met their stare and stared them down until she gave a raised eyebrow, and they dropped their gaze first. As she was telling me this, I could not help but imagine a western gunfight scenario with the doobie- doobie- dooo, wa-wa-wa playing in the background. I’m pretty confident my girl will not take any nonsense from anyone, and that dear reader makes me one proud mama. I am also proud she has mastered my skill of giving “sh** looks” as one bib overall wearing recipient of said “sh**looks” calls my ability to provide scathing stares. I have found nothing intimidates a man more than a scathing glare. It also works on misbehaving children and barking dogs. Now you know.

I have always known my girl is a force to contend with, but as she gets older and I watch her learn to navigate her way in the world, I am proud and confident she will stand her ground with grace and beauty. Now, she just needs to figure out how to put that bus bully in his place, and true victory will be hers. She may have a little help in the background from her parents, but I’m pretty confident all will be right with the world.

As always, dear reader, stay safe, be smart, master the “sh** look,” it’s a valuable tool, and keep washing your hands.

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