Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom. -Sir Boyle Roche
This virus thing, it continues to make me evaluate the who, what, where, when, why, and how in myself and my life. I have found in life I am frequently disappointed. Now, don’t say, “Aww, that’s sad" or "What a skewed way to view the world.” I view disappointment as a positive…perhaps not at the time, but it usually teaches me a lesson. I believe, I am disappointed because I have hope, believe in possibility, see potential, and have high expectations. None of those things are negative, not really. I simply choose to focus on seeing the best in a person or situation. Is being disappointed easy, fun or am I unscathed? No, I am saddened and hurt by disappointment but I often feel as if I would never know if I didn’t experience that disappointment. There are times to be honest, I simply kick myself for being so foolish or stupid, for not knowing better, or for being naïve. However, in the end a loss is not really a loss if you gain something from the experience. My dad always told me I was hard-headed and had to learn things the hard way. I was always insulted by that observation and it usually was said in moments of anger and sheer exasperation. However, I have been spending quite a bit of time replaying or probably more correctly, overthinking my situation and I find I am not as insulted by this observation as I once was.
Saturday, May 9th was supposed to be our annual spring open house at the farm. Due to the restrictions put in place because of Covid-19, we are unable to host our event. I am always excited for our open house. The work that is involved in preparing for such an event is exhausting but so gratifying. We are always scrambling to clean and organize the barn, put the house in order, clean up and mow the yard, make sure our barnyard family looks extra spiffy, clean and organize the studio, and of course The Bibbed Wonder barbeques. This would have been our third spring time open house and with each one, we have grown and expanded the experience. We invite talented people to display their wares and these people are now considered friends. The farm is filled with laughter, discussion, and people who are open to a new experience or are just kind and supportive. It definitely makes my list of favorite things.
This year, like everywhere else, the farm will be empty and quiet. We will not see our talented friends, proudly show off our barn yard family, or display our new ideas. There will be no opportunities for education, conversation, or comradery. We will be unable to shop the wares of talented friends, and sadly, there will be no barbeque. I am most definitely disappointed. However, disappointment often spurs inspiration. As I sit here writing, my wheels are beginning to turn. Although I am not computer savvy, my bib wearing beefcake is not only a mathematical genius, he is a wizard with technology. Again, you thought he was merely eye candy. I am thinking there are ways to experience the farm, our friends, their talents but sadly not the barbeque virtually. It is not as rewarding as our live event but it is an improvisation. Stay tuned, the wheels are indeed turning.
However, until the plan is formulated, we are again offering a farm pick-up option this weekend. For local or friends who are willing to make the drive, we are offering the online order option, minus the shipping, for pick up at the farm between 10 and 4 on Saturday. It will be wonderful to see friendly faces if still from at least six feet away.
We appreciate the outpouring of support we have experienced. I have not been disappointed by you all. The comments of kindness and support, the orders, the interaction on social media, and the cards and letters we have received have lifted my spirits, given me hope, made me see the very best in human kind…no, I have not been disappointed at all. Thank you for that.
As always, please continue to stay safe, stay smart, stay kind, and continue to wash those hands.