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  • Writer's pictureTina

The Handmade Arcade Winter Market

I am delighted to share with you that The Smiling Goat Soap Company will be attending the Handmade Arcade’s Winter Market 2021. The Handmade Arcade has a reputation for being a discerning, high-quality, maker-friendly venue, and I am thrilled to be participating in this year’s in-person and virtual market. Although Pittsburgh, especially downtown Pittsburgh, is out of my comfort zone, I could not feel more honored to be included in this fantastic venue.

The Winter Market takes place Friday, December 3rd, and Saturday, December 4th. The event on Friday evening is a ticketed early bird event with a limited number of tickets and cocktails. How fun to shop and drink wine? Saturday is the main event. There will be an early bird ticketed session beginning at 9:30, and the public is welcomed from 11-7. It will be a long day, but we are very excited to attend.

Both The Bibbed Wonder and The Bean will be joining in for this event. I am permitting Jordan to miss school that Friday. I consider it an educational day. She is gaining business experience first hand, learning marketing skills, participating in sales, and she’ll be practicing real-life math skills all day. It’s definitely an experience from which she will learn and grow. Eric is planning to wear his wedding/funeral/court bib overalls. Sigh. It’s a good thing he’s cute.

We are in the planning stage of our setup. I am excited to break out all my antiques, display ideas, and “useless trinkets,” as The Bibbed Wonder calls my décor. I believe this event requires a more elaborate display, and I can’t wait to finalize my setup. The Bean and I are also planning our outfits for that weekend. We agree we need to look professional but rustically elegant. We are also contemplating having shirts with our business logo made for this event. It’s okay to squeal and clap your hands over this idea. If we have three made up, we may as well have a few dozen made up for our rockstar soap family. One bib-wearing naysayer must first be convinced this is a good idea. Sigh, he makes my life so hard sometimes. I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

At a time when so many businesses are struggling to stay afloat, this venue works hard to organize an exceptional event promoting handmade artists and their companies. It is a wonderful opportunity to support not only small businesses but also local small businesses. Please save the date, plan a fun weekend, and join us at this amazing venue. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. As always, dear reader, stay safe, be smart, save the date, and keep washing those hands.

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Oct 21, 2021

How exciting!!

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