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  • Writer's pictureTina

The Last Hoorah for Childhood

Once again, 2020 and this virus thing have created a situation of conflict for me. Many of you know my story, my daughter has moderate/severe asthma, we have chosen to do the cyber school option for school this year, we have limited contact with friends and family. Basically, we just choose to play it safe for her sake. However, situations arise in day to day life and I question my judgment.

Halloween is fast approaching and we LOVE Halloween. My Bean has had her costume for weeks, has been practicing her make-up for her costume, and has made plans to trick or treat. Initially, I was okay with the plans. However, as with all thing’s virus related, situations change constantly. Now, the CDC is recommending that families refrain from trick or treating, numbers in our area or rising at an alarming rate, numbers in neighboring counties are rising at an alarming rate, and I am afraid my child becomes ill because of a choice I make.

On one hand, I know we will be safe in our practices. We will wear our masks, use hand sanitizer, social distance, and wear gloves. We will be with our normal pod of children whose families practice safety and constraint. However, on the other hand, we will be going to homes of people I have no idea of the measure of their safety practices, if they have come in to contact with someone who is ill, and someone who may simply not care/believe this virus thing is real. My mind also goes down the path of worst-case scenario and frightening, what if someone intentionally exposes others to this thing…I know, I read too many doomsday novels. However, it is truly a place where my mind wonders. I know it’s a dark place. Please no judgment…sigh. I’m just a worried mom with an over active imagination.

I discussed my concerns with The Bean. She is very wise for her years and is very mature in her opinions. She told me of course she wants to go trick or treating with her friends and she will be disappointed if she doesn’t get to go. However, she feels it is something she will get over and she trusts me to do whatever I think is best. Dear reader, do you see why I am so careful with her? She is such a bright light in this world. How many kids would be so mature and rationale? I just love her. However, it just creates more conflict for me surrounding this situation.

I have gone out of my way to create festivities for her this year. We have celebrated “the thirteen days of Halloween”…sung off key in a very deep voice with a pirate-like jig. She has gotten a small prize every day from candy, to scrunchies, to books, to movies, and pajamas. We have decorated the inside of the house from living room to bathroom. We have had special movie nights and read scary stories. Friday, we plan to take her to a drive-thru haunted house. She has had a full month of festivities. However, it doesn’t replace the fun, excitement, and wonder of childhood trick or treating.

I believe I am so conflicted because I view this as our last hoorah for childhood. Next year, she will be almost a teenager and that makes me so sad. I know this is it for me. I don’t have any other children to create these memories with and that makes me sad too. She’s my one shot to do this and do it well. I don’t want to miss this but of course, I want to be safe and protect her. I have a few more days to decide what is best for my bean. Of course, her safety and well being are of the utmost importance and that above all else will reign supreme. Whatever we decide, I know she will understand it is done with love, care, and concern.

As always dear reader, stay safe, stay smart, do what is best for you and yours, maybe send some good juju my way if you think of it, and of course wash your hands.

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Oct 30, 2020

drrose, we could but we live in a rural setting and have to drive everywhere. She has her heart set on walking around a familiar neighborhood in our small neighboring town. We are continuing to process through this. Thank you for your insight.


Oct 29, 2020

Can you just go to family or very close friends that you know follow the precautions to Halloween?

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