It is nearing the end of baby season here on the farm and that is always met with mixed emotions. Baby season is filled with anticipation, hope, and excitement but it's also fraught with anxiety and fear. We have had our ups and downs this year but overall, I consider it a successful baby season. Miss Flora gave birth to two little guys on Saturday, they are the final babies to be born for 2020. We have been fortunate to have a lot of beautiful babies this year. It has been a season filled with spots, dots, colored variation, and quite a few big personalities. However, these last two boys are quite possibly the most beautiful babies we've had this year. The Bibbed Wonder has some silly name ideas in mind but for babies as beautiful as these, they need a name to match.
In honor of the end of baby season, I have chosen to highlight my all natural Baby Bar for this weeks spotlight. The Baby Bar is one of the very first specialty soaps I created and marketed. When Jordan was an infant, I searched high and low for an all natural soap for her. We lived in a small town "up north" and had even more limited resources than we do in Indiana. Of course there is always the internet but I settled for Burt's Bees because it was readily available at the little drug store I loved. When Jordan was an infant, I was that mom that made her own organic baby food, used all natural products, and obsessed about what went onto her skin. Now, she's an eleven year old tyrant with her own ideas of what tastes good and trust me, it is never anything organic. The child would exist on Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Yoohoo! if I would allow it. However, I digress.
I created the Baby Bar with moms like me in mind. It had to meet two basic requirements, 1) it had to be all natural. I know there are a lot of moms out there that are okay with the mass produced baby products and that's okay. However, I wanted to create a bar with as few ingredients as possible with the most nutrient rich ingredients as possible. 2) It had to be affordable. I know what I paid for Burt's Bees eleven years ago and I think I could pay for a semester of college with what I spent. Don't get me wrong, it was worth every penny but I wanted to create an option that was good for you and wouldn't affect your child's college fund.
The Baby Bar is a pure, simple bar with gentle, nourishing properties. The main ingredient is of course our fresh, raw goat's milk. Goat's milk alone is rich in vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, and E. Unlike my other bars, the Baby Bar has a very high olive oil content, it is almost all olive oil. Olive oil is gentle, moisturizing, and nutrient rich for baby's delicate skin. The added secret weapon for the Baby Bar is fresh, raw, organic carrot puree. Carrots are amazing for ones skin and the vitamin A and beta-carotene offer added protection from the environment and UV rays. I have chosen to keep the baby bar unscented but it offers a clean, fresh scent naturally without any harsh chemicals.
I know the draw to the mass produced baby products are "tear free" but you have to be informed and weigh your options. In order to achieve "tear free," detergents created with synthetic ingredients are used. Often, these synthetics are petroleum based and are filled with properties that harm the skin and destroy it's natural protective barriers. There are a few tricks to use when bathing your child with natural soap. Getting soap in one's eye is never a pleasant experience and for a child, it can be painful and frightening. However, the risk of soap in the eye, for me far out weighs the potential harm from using a chemical filled synthetic detergent.
Things I do to protect my own little bean's eyes from soap: 1) have a clean, soap free wash cloth at the side of the tub to use to cover her peepers and potentially wipe away soap. 2) I have her tilt her head toward the ceiling as I rinse her hair so the water runs back, not down over her face. 3) Wash her eye area with just water and save the soap for the really messy parts like her sticky little mouth, cheeks and chin. 4) Have her cover her peepers while I wash and rinse her hair and other areas of her face. It takes a bit of planning but it is a relatively easy process and is worth every effort.
I am happy to offer an all natural option to all the mamas out there that are conscience of what they are putting on their little ones skin. At $6 a bar, if the bar is kept dry between uses, it will last anywhere from four to six weeks. That is definitely worth the health and well being of baby. The Baby Bar is also wonderful for those who have skin issues or sensitivities. I often recommend this bar for those with eczema or psoriasis.
As always, the Tuesday Spotlight is half off on the website. I have also discounted the Unscented Moisturizer because if you are a soap fanatic, you know your scents have to match...its a thing, it really is. If you are celebrating your own baby season, the Baby Bar and Unscented Moisturizer make a wonderful gift for an expecting mom and new baby. If you are already a doting mama, this week is a great week to stock up because summer can be an exceptionally dirty season.
As always dear reader, stay safe, stay smart, keep the soap out of your eyes, and keep on washing those hands...it doesn't burn your hands, no worries there.