Today the Tuesday Spotlight casts its glow across all products with lavender. Personally, I love lavender. Lavender is the only floral scent I can say with honesty and consistency that I love all the time. I love the way it smells; I love how it tastes; I love the benefits of such a simple, beautiful plant. My go-to soap and moisturizer is our lavender bar, along with the lavender moisturizer. I like the lavender and oatmeal bar this time of year because inevitably, I will have an eczema flare, and the oatmeal helps with the dry skin and itch. I also use a lavender deodorant because I like to layer scents, and I follow with a natural body spray that I use as a perfume.
Not only do I love the scent of lavender, but I also love the way it flavors drinks, teas, and food. I am off coffee. Each and every time I suffer some gastrointestinal upset, I go off coffee and turn to organic lavender, chamomile tea with raw honey. I believe I am going to give the coffee a good long break. I love lavender tea. I love lavender lemonade and lavender syrup on ice cream, lavender sugar on top of blueberry muffins, and I make sausage, chicken, and bean soup with lavender. As you can see, I am a big fan of lavender.
This week, to help brighten up this grey, muddy time of year, any and all of our soaps with lavender are half off on the website. This includes Lavender, Lavender & Oatmeal, Lavender, Peppermint & Honey, and the Lavender Rosemary Shampoo Bar. Along with the soaps, the moisturizers are half off as well.
My dear reader, we are living in some very unnerving, stressful times. As we watch the news and our hearts break for those suffering through war, we lose those who are near and dear to us, and we watch the cost of living go through the roof, don’t get lost in the melancholy and stress. Rest, take care of yourself, help when and where you can, but take strides to establish a calming routine to decompress. I offer our lavender products to help those who need a little help with stress relief. Put together a little gift bag for someone who could use it if you can. Take time for a cup of tea. Shower with something that makes you feel good. They are small things, but we need to take comfort where we can find them. As always, stay safe, be smart, take care of yourself and those you love, and keep washing your hands.
Just an FYI that I look forward to reading your blogs every day!