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Tuesday Spotlight: Patchouli

Writer's picture: TinaTina

Our focus this week, in particular, is on the cult classic patchouli. I say cult because patchouli has a solid fan base. The deep, rich, earthy scent is enjoyed by both mature audiences and newcomers. I must admit, it took me quite a while to jump on board the patchouli fan train. I first found the dark, warm, earthy scent to be cringe-worthy. I could not for the life of me understand why someone would want to smell like earth, let alone love the smell. However, as time wore on and I worked with the oil more, I have come to appreciate it.

I believe, like all scents, the chemistry works individually with one's body. Although I do not like the smell of patchouli on me, I find that I like the way The Bibbed Wonder smells when he uses the patchouli soap and moisturizer. It grows on one after a bit but definitely takes some getting used to. I also find that patchouli is a lot like the rose; people either adore it or hate it. There is simply no middle ground. If you are in the patchouli fan club, this is a good week for you.

Whether you love the scent of patchouli because it brings back memories of your youth, or you are cool and trendy, patchouli has what we consider a cult following. It has more attributes than just mimicking the scent of cannabis; it also has bug-repelling qualities, works as an astringent, is believed to have anti-fungal qualities, and is believed to be good for one's skin in general. If you consider yourself an old hippie or a cool bohemian type, this is a good week to stock up on patchouli or celebrate the ever-popular 4/20. Whatever your reason, dear reader, stay safe, stay smart, and wash your hands. Even cool people need clean hands.

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