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Tuesday Spotlight: Peppermint Soap and Moisturizer

For our Tuesday Spotlight, we are revisiting the Peppermint Soap and Moisturizer. Somehow, we have ended up with an abundance of peppermint soap. There are times when we take inventory and what seems low in stock is in reality quite sufficient. Peppermint got tucked behind Tea Tree Eucalyptus on the drying rack and one batch and boxing session later we are overflowing with peppermint. With the upcoming Fall and holiday season, we need all the space we can muster on the drying rack.

Peppermint soap is wonderful for fighting odor, fighting the itch of dry, flaky skin, is anti-fungal and anti-microbial. It creates a cool tingly feeling on one’s skin that is wonderful for hot weather, itchy skin, and bug bites. Peppermint is also a natural bug deterrent. When the dynamic duo, The Bibbed Wonder and The Bean, decide to camp out in the back yard, I have them bathe with peppermint soap and use peppermint moisturizer before they go out for the night.

I also find peppermint to be helpful when we are suffering from cold and allergy symptoms. My Bean in particular suffers from severe allergies in the fall. When she is congested, I put peppermint oil in her bedside diffuser and the bathroom diffuser. She takes a long soak, breathing in the peppermint oil, using the peppermint soap, followed with peppermint moisturizer. Although she is not fond of the tingly feeling, it helps to open her sinuses and clear her congestion. I also use peppermint soap and moisturizer on her when she has a fever. The cooling mint brings relief and comfort.

Peppermint also works to uplift one’s mood and clear one’s head. It is an invigorating choice for a morning shower or a quick afternoon clean up…we have a lot of those here at the farm. Peppermint soap is wonderful for The Bibbed Wonder after a morning of working with his porcine beauties. He also tends to get too much sun on that handsome bald head of his. When this occurs, he chooses peppermint moisturizer for its cooling qualities.

I am a believer in energy and often use peppermint oil to clean my front door and windowsills. Peppermint is believed to eradicate negative energy and restore balance. If I find my self in a particularly negative mood or having spent time with someone particularly negative, I use peppermint soap and moisturizer to help restore balance. It sounds funny, but I think every little bit helps. I also use peppermint oil in my diffusers around the house and add dried peppermint to my white sage smudging sticks while I say a prayer for peace and contentment. Good juju (my pet term for good energy...not witchcraft) is important for one’s soul.

Whether you are particularly odorous, have allergies, are preparing for cold and flu season, need an eye opener, or a physical element to improve your mood, I suggest our moisture dense, nutrient rich peppermint soap and moisturizer. This is a good time to stock up and have a useful tool on hand. As my bibbed wearing buddy always says, “It’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.” This week, the peppermint soap and lotion are 50% off on the website and the discounts will be offered at the Murrysville and Ligonier markets as well.

As always dear reader, stay safe, stay smart, help us make room for new fun products and enjoy a discount, and of course wash your hands…washing with peppermint soap would be a good thing…I’m just saying…insert smiley, wink face.

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