
Jun 3, 20213 min

Stay Calm and Wash On

The Bibbed Wonder is in full-blown panic mode today. Although my bib overall wearing wonder buns is often the most laid back of the two of us, some situations bring out his anal-retentive side. Our friend Jenna, who is helping us out this summer, told Jess, our other friend who is gracious enough to help us out, "Don't let the bibs fool you. Eric is very particular." I feel like describing him as "particular" is very kind and understated. He is an anal-retentive pain in the...well, you get the point. Working with my mate has added a whole new dimension to our relationship.

Today is the first day of the Murrysville Farmer's Market. Although this is the second year for us at this market, The Bibbed Wonder is all a fluster. He was up at 5:00 a.m. in full panic mode. Panic mode for Eric looks like this: racing about to do everything, not taking the time to do everyday things like eating breakfast, prance while he speaks, nervously wiggling his fingers, talk at an epic rate of speed, do everything at a run, and become annoyed with all questions or calm individuals...aka me. I feel we have the market setup down to a science. I have both a mental checklist and a physical checklist I comb over before each market. I am calm, rational, and focused on what needs to be done, making the market my main focus. The Bibbed Wonder has a running list of Must-Do's he is absolutely rigid about getting done. For example, we have to make two batches of soap before 11:30. Sigh, I hate to make soap in a rush, but a rush it will be. Rushing leads to mistakes. Often costly, significant errors and mistakes I would prefer to avoid. However, rather than send my bib overall wearing buddy into a mental meltdown, we will bang out two batches of soap before we leave. Sigh.

He is also rigid about time. I am a bit more flexible when it comes to time. If I have heard it once, I have heard it a thousand times, "It is better to leave early and arrive early than leave at the last minute and drive like an a-hole." Sigh, not driving like an a-hole is driving at least 5mph under the speed limit at all times. I would rather drive like a normal person, aka an a-hole, who drives 5mph over the speed limit at all times. However, he will do the driving, and I will ride along thinking murderous thoughts about his old man tendencies. I find it a bit ironic that the man who rushes me about for everything drives like an impaired ninety-year-old man. Sigh.

Despite Eric and his panicking, I am looking forward to the market today. Hopefully, the weather will clear, and we will have a lovely afternoon. It will just be The Bibbed Wonder and myself today. The Bean has developed a nasty case of swimmer's ear along with a horrid rash on her face. The swimmer's ear is from hours of diving in the hot tub like it's a pool. The horrible face rash is from using her friend Irene's face paint. Although advised not to do either, she had to learn the hard way. We made our first trip to the doctor since the pandemic began. There are indeed some positives to regular hand washing, mask-wearing, and social distancing. My poor little bean is quite uncomfortable with the swimmer's ear and is spending the next few days with GramBarb. I am sure GramBarb will take good care of her and indulge all requests for McDonald's, Papa John's pizza, a Stranger Things marathon, and multiple games of Skip-Bo. I will miss my little buddy today.

If you are so inclined, I would appreciate a visit with you at the Murrysville Farmer's Market. It runs from 3-7 p.m. every Thursday. Hopefully, by the time the opening whistle blows, my bib overall wearing buddy will have calmed down. If not, watching him panic is somewhat entertaining; insert a wink. As always, stay safe, be smart, stay calm, don't use your friend's face paints or dive in a hot tub, and continue to wash your hands. We have had far fewer doctor's visits because of good habits...except the face paint and diving thing, sigh.
