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  • Writer's pictureTina

Gift Giving Volume II

With Christmas fast approaching, I thought I would share one more installation of gift-giving options in my blog today. I am thrilled to share that my Christmas shopping is done. D-U-N, as my bib overall-wearing goober, likes to joke. This is the first year I feel prepared for the holiday and confident I successfully provided good gifts to everyone on my list. I am sure there will be a few last-minute gifts, but I have a studio filled with products and a small cache of gift-creating supplies.


Last week, I focused on adult gifts with a strong theme of hostess gifts or gifts for teachers/colleagues/neighbors. This week, I would like to focus on little ones and teens. Teens are a challenge. Just a few years ago, I could buy The Bean anything, and she was thrilled. She wore all the clothes I bought her without issue. She enjoyed the toys and other gifts I chose. Sadly, those days are behind me. The Bean is now an official teenager with official teenager attitudes and opinions…sigh.


I am sad that she knows almost all of the gifts under the tree this year because she picked them out herself. Rather than toys, she has asked for gift cards and money. She even went so far as to create a digital gift list complete with links to click on to aid my shopping. My goodness, how the world has changed. I used to take the JC Penny’s catalog and circle the items I wanted. Very few companies even offer catalog shopping anymore. I don’t think Jordan has seen a Christmas catalog in real life. However, I digress.


Going with the theme of relics from my childhood, I have decided to give nostalgic gifts to the few small children in my life. This year, the theme is The Grinch. A few little cuties will receive Grinch-themed pajamas, a Grinch coloring book, and a new box of crayons. Of course, The Mean One and Maximus soaps and Grinch-themed hot chocolate bombs. All are presented in Grinch-themed decorative boxes. We do love The Grinch in the Smay household.


I have more teens in my life than little ones. The Bean likes cozy gift ideas this year. She has requested things like cozy lounge ware, books, paper tabs to keep notes on the books she reads, mugs, tea, and aroma therapy candles. I can relate to these gift ideas and enjoy shopping for them. There are two small, individually owned bookstores in Indiana, PA. The long-standing Book Nook on Philly Street and the new Paper Garden are at 655 Church Street in Indiana. I was thrilled to cross off all the books on my gift list by supporting these two local small businesses. I purchased the most delicious-smelling candles from my friend Amanda Vos, who owns Sweet Home Vanilla. The teas in my gift boxes are from Broken Locust, owned by my friends Pat and Sherry. I got the cutest little wooden hand-carved page holders from The Paper Garden and purchased handmade mugs from a cute little boutique on Philly Street. Paired with cozy loungewear and a soft blanket, I think the teens in my life will be ready to snuggle in with a good book during a snow day.  


A spa-themed box is always a welcome gift if you have someone between thirteen and twenty-five. Fill a basket with soaps, moisturizer, bath gloves, body scrubs, candles, fluffy robes, and slippers presented with a bow, and you have a lovely, personalized gift any young woman would enjoy receiving. Our most popular scents for the younger crowd are Merry Berry, Cashmere Sweater, Nice, Pear, and Toasted Marshmallow. Create a color scheme that coordinates with the soaps, and it’s a beautiful presentation.


This year, I am also gifting gift cards. I took a small glass canister I purchased from Walmart for $5.97, filled it with paper shreds, placed soap, moisturizer, small bags of candy, and a gift card in the center. It’s a lovely presentation and makes more of a statement than simply handing off a gift card in an envelope. You could do themes such as coffee, lavender, almond, or a seasonal soap. Color coordinate everything, tie a bow on top of the canister, and you have a perfect gift.


I hope my ideas inspire you and make your gift-giving a wee bit easier. On this sunny December day, stay safe, be smart, hurry; the big day is fast approaching, and keep washing your hands.

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