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Sunshine Post: Updates on Helen

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

In these uncertain times, it is wonderful to receive good news. I received good news and I am going to pass it along to you dear reader. If you have read my past blogs, you will remember our little special needs baby goat, Helen. Helen was the embodiment of everything good, gentle, and kind. We were sadly unable to keep little Helen here at our farm because our herd is too big and we have a billy goat. Helen went to a wonderful home with Gabrielle and her two adorable little girls.

I am so happy to report that Helen is doing well. Gabrielle sends me pictures and updates on a regular basis. Helen has become good friends with Shaggy, their little wethered boy goat. She and Velma get along as well, but Helen and Shaggy seem to have a special bond. Helen is growing and looking more beautiful by the day. She is well taken care of and most importantly well loved.

Gabrielle’s little girls spend time with Helen on a daily basis. She and her friends are often brought into the fenced in back yard where they play with the girls on the swing set and in play house. Helen enjoys the playhouse in particular. Helen is still not as mobile and agile as her compadres but she does well, is looked after, and rescued when need be.

It is not often one meets a creature as dear, gentle and kind as little Helen. It does my heart good that she is in a good place, with wonderful people to look after her and love her. Jordan and I are going to take a small trip in the very near future to see Gabrielle, the girls, and of course Helen. I am thinking we are going to need Scooby snacks for the girls and the goats.

I am so grateful for Gabrielle who not only took on the care of a special needs baby goat but looks after our family and keeps us in the loop as to how our special girl is doing. Gabrielle and her girls are as special and kind as little Helen. We are truly smiled upon to have met her and have kept her in our lives. I hope this is a bond that we can continue. It is not every day one meets someone with a heart big enough to accept and love a dear little creature who needs rescuing on a regular basis and continues to communicate with the original care giver and her little girl.

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