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Tuesday Spotlight: The Facial Soaps AND The New Miracle Milk Face Balm

Writer's picture: TinaTina

Today, my dear reader, our new Miracle Milk Face Balm with hyaluronic acid is available exclusively on the website. I am so excited for you to try our latest creation. It is rich, creamy, and oh-so-moisturizing. I won't bore you with a long description. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of hyaluronic acid, check out yesterday's blog. I will reinforce my belief that hyaluronic acid is a true game changer in skincare and moisturizer. For the first time ever, we are releasing a new product at a 20% discount. This week only, save 20% on our new Miracle Milk Face Balm with hyaluronic acid. I hope you are as in love with its benefits as I am.

This week's special coordinates with our new face balm. Our spotlight shines upon our three facial soaps, created for all skin types. The new year often brings promises to practice more self-care. Taking better care of yourself and your skin is as simple as adding simplistic luxury items and removing harsh ingredients, chemicals, and damaging fillers. In the U.S., we have been led to believe that artificial ingredients, petroleum-based ingredients, and chemical-based fillers have added benefits. Fun colors, lots of high, fluffy foam, and strong, overpowering chemical-laden scents are acceptable by industry standards. What is not common knowledge is that many of these ingredients have the opposite effect of what is desired. The ingredients considered safe are actually damaging, drying, and, in some cases, dangerous. One does not need a list of ingredients a mile long to create something healthy, nourishing, and beautiful with skin-loving benefits.

Our products always begin with our first ingredient, fresh raw goat's milk. Our girls are not "pushed" to produce more milk. We follow nature and the girl's natural cycle. Our girls are not given anything to push them to produce more. More milk production can be achieved with a healthy, natural diet, comfortable living conditions, and the opportunity to live the fulfilling life a goat was meant to live. Our girls are loved, cared for, appreciated, and coddled. A healthy, happy goat does not need to be pumped full of medications and synthetic feeds to make milk. When the girls begin the natural healthy cycle of "drying off," we adjust our inventory. You may notice that our inventory of moisturizers is lower at this time of year. That is because our girls are readying for the upcoming baby season. It is not normal or healthy for a female to make milk year-round. The girls need to rest, restore, and rejuvenate to be healthy.

Along with our fresh, raw goat's milk, we use old-fashioned, tried-and-true cold-process soap-making techniques, incorporating a blend of solid fats and skin-loving oils. Olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, avocado oil, lard, and canola oil all add cleansing, conditioning, moisturizing, and lathering benefits to our soaps. The ingredients in our soaps can be found in the average kitchen pantry. With each of our soaps, there are often additions with added benefits. These additions are what set apart our collection of facial bars.

The Rose Clay Facial Bar was created for more mature skin. French rose clay gently exfoliates, draws toxins, helps brighten, and fights the elements contributing to aging. I chose to add rose geranium oil to this soap because it is wonderful for clearing, brightening, and fighting free radicals.

The Activated Charcoal Facial Bar was created for troubled skin. Activated charcoal products relieve acne, rosacea, and other skin issues. The charcoal balances oily skin, helps fight future breakouts, aids in clearing current breakouts, draws toxins, and gently exfoliates. We have added tea tree essential oil to this bar for its antimicrobial properties.

Lastly is our Shea Butter Facial Bar. The Shea Butter Facial Bar was created for those who suffer from dry skin. Shea butter is deliciously thick and moisturizing, creating a gentle, unscented moisturizing bar that is perfect for those with sensitive skin.

This week, save 25% on all three facial bars. No promo code is needed to save; the savings will be applied at checkout. Now is a great time to stock up on a favorite, try something new, or purchase an affordable gift for someone special. I gently encourage you to add what I call a little jar of moisturizing magic to your order. You will love how our Miracle Milk Balm makes your skin feel.

On this dangerously cold January day, stay safe, be smart, try our new Miracle Milk Face Balm, and take good care of yourself. You are worth the effort. This week, I will close by saying, "Keep washing your hands and face."

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