Of course, I am in the middle of a deep belly laugh when I am with Jill. Of course, The Bibbed Wonder took the worst picture possible. Sigh...
The Bibbed Wonder and I went on a short trip to Greensburg to visit our friends Mike and Jill Little of Chaganra Farms. Although I would like to say it was a social visit, it was business—the business of picking up our Thanksgiving turkey. Mike and Jill have an interesting story. Mike was a civil engineer. After years at a high-stress job, his body told him enough was enough. Mike experienced symptoms similar to a heart attack. After seeking medical treatment, his doctor told him it was stress-related and that he would need to curb the stress in his life. Mike returned to work only to experience similar, frightening symptoms in a short amount of time. Rather than wait until he suffered an actual heart attack, he chose to leave his high-stress job and begin farming.
Although farming produces its own challenges, there is satisfaction in working for oneself, with animals, and with the land. Truth be told, The Bibbed Wonder, and I prefer working with our herd of goats over working with most humans. We understand why Mike came to this decision. As we drove along the road that borders their farm, we saw a lovely herd of beef cattle, a waddle of heritage large black hogs, and some of the biggest turkeys I have ever seen. I informed The Bibbed Wonder that I believe I need a pet turkey or two to add to my poultry family. Of course, he said no. Sigh. He always says no. He reminded me I could not mix turkeys with chickens because of blackhead disease. Sigh, he has a valid point this time. However, it did not curb my desire for a massive pet turkey of my very own. Someday...
Anyhow, I digress. Jill met us in the garage when we pulled into Little's driveway. She had two large tables lined up with fresh turkeys. Everything was clean, tidy, and neatly labeled with the purchaser's name, weight, and cost. It was all very efficient and professional. Do you know how sometimes you meet someone and just click? That is how I feel about Jill. It doesn't matter that I only see her once or twice a year; when we see each other, it is like meeting an old friend. Jill always makes us laugh, has the most entertaining stories about her family, farm, and job, and she has the most infectious laugh. After spending just a short time with her, I always tell Eric I think I would enjoy spending time with Jill.
This year, we ordered a smaller turkey. We asked for a fifteen-pound turkey, and the Littles could accommodate us. Just like cooking a fresh, free-range, small farm-raised chicken, there is simply no comparison to what one purchases frozen from the grocery store. Our turkeys from the Littles are always juicy, tender, and flavorful. I cannot recommend their farm strongly enough. You are missing out if you have never experienced poultry raised on a small farm, as all poultry should be raised. Seeing the turkeys roaming in the open field, foraging on bugs, grass, pumpkins, and whatever else they could find was lovely. I never realized just how majestic and impressive a turkey is.
Yes, a fresh, farm-raised turkey is a bit more expensive, but it is worth it, and the cost difference was not excessive. I can cook my Thanksgiving turkey knowing it lived a good life, was well cared for, and experienced the life it was meant to live. To me, that is invaluable. I know how and what it was fed and treated and that the end of its little life was humane and quick. Those are all things that are important to me. Not to mention, the quality and flavor is impeccable.
Although it is too late to order a Thanksgiving turkey from Chaganra this year, I gently encourage you to keep them in mind for next year. If you are not local to Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, a quick web search should give you fresh, free-range, small-farm options wherever you live. Trust me, it is worth it. You will have an opportunity to meet your farmers, who are usually wonderful people, see where and how your holiday meal was raised, and support a small family farm. Those are all great reasons to search for a farm-fresh turkey.
On this Wednesday before Turkey Day, stay safe, be smart, and enjoy your holiday; know when we say grace at our dinner table, we will count you as one of our blessings, and keep washing your hands.
Sounds delicious 😋 🤤 🦃🍽️. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! GOD bless you 🙏🏼